Aerial view of Washington Square Park at sunset

Teaching Quality

The Provost’s Office is committed to developing mechanisms that enhance teaching and improve student learning outcomes. To this end, the Provost has charged the Teaching Quality Committee to review, research and recommend best practices to define, support, measure and honor teaching excellence at NYU.

This work is inspired by The Boyer 2030 Commission Report on the teaching mission of research universities. The report makes the forceful case that teaching excellence and equity cannot be separated. Practices that build inclusion and belonging reduce disparities and lead to better outcomes for all students.

Once we have committed to the goals of improving teaching, equity, and student learning outcomes, our next step as teachers is to develop, evaluate, revise, and share effective practices. It is likely that real change will mean not a single adjustment, but rather a continual, iterative, and multi-pronged approach. 

A multi-dimensional approach to review our teaching practices has been explored by the TeVAL project: Transforming Higher Education – Multidimensional Evaluation of Teaching. The core of this approach is to consider three voices when reflecting on one’s teaching: Self, Peer, and Student. A fourth voice that is immensely helpful comes from educational research and the scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 

In the pages below, you will find strategies outlined to further enhance  your teaching expertise.

You can reach out to us anytime at to listen, share, and discuss anything related to your teaching practice.